... BAT BLOG: posts/sucks/systemd.md
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   2016-04-20 17:39

Systemd is the best example of Suck.

There is a menace which is spreading like a disease throughout the Linux world, it is called systemd.

Short Historical Summary

Systemd is a replacement for the standard init command, which normally runs as process id 1 on initialisation of a UNIX bootup. There has been a movement, especially around the Red Hat-related developers to copy Microsoft Windows and all of its features. Now this interpretation of how a userspace should look like is implemented and was introduced with big criticism and change in the Open Source world into many distributions. The debacle in Debian is the best example in how to not introduce such a changing technology into a distribution.

What PID 1 Should Do

When your system boots up the kernel is executing a given binary in its known namespace. To see what are the only tasks the application running as pid 1 has to do, see sinit. Just wait for child process to reap and run some other init scripts.

The Systemd Chronicles

Now follows a list of unsorted links to the Systemd changelog with comments. The list is exceeding the life-time of a philosopher to discuss all implications on the sanity of a system design. That's why the comments are kept short.

Part 1

(If you are adding more parts, link to the right revision and not just the plain file.)

NEWS revision 3f80af378331748e1373d4c189a8e20cddb735c9

---- Führerbunker, 2015-07-31

Further Reading

Комментарии [2] ::
  2016-05-23 15:59
  2016-07-29 16:27
